Bad Beto: Beto O'Rourke trails Greg Abbott by 15 points in Texas governor race

Bad Beto: Beto O'Rourke trails Greg Abbott by 15 points in Texas governor race


It looks highly unlikely Beto O'Rourke will be the next governor of Texas after a new Quinnipiac University poll found the Democratic challenger was trailing incumbent Greg Abbott by 15 points.




@bubbleslovebird4974 Says:
Need someone with an actual BRAIN to step up to the plate and take over. No mor of these rich ash holes.
@gracepoint3 Says:
There plan to inundate and dilute the great state of TX with illegals and let them vote.
@gracepoint3 Says:
Beto is a communist
@charlesdruiz2251 Says:
Voting for Radical Beto would be like for voting for Carl Shwabb, Bill Gates, United Nations, etc. This communist authoritarian monster should be a perfect candidate for Gitmo. His running for Governor is a big joke.
@kevinvonerich8595 Says:
Beware Texas, this Beto guy is just another one of these White people haters. Where did they dredge up all these rich, white pansies
@you2449 Says:
the US Intelligence agencies control the elections. He'll win if they want him to. But they're not stupid. They have to first create the _impression_ , in the media, that there is a 'Crisis' why he could win So: Cue the Race-riots, or (Covid emergency) in 5 - 4 - 3 ...
@timacoata7456 Says:
🤡 O’ Rourke
@garymcfadden2797 Says:
His name is Robert Francis. Please do not acknowledge his fake stage name.
@zombiekillerusa5647 Says:
The man wants to take people's guns away while living near an open border being overthrown by cartels. He is delusional to think he even has a chance. I sure as hell am NOT voting for Beto. I will vote for Abbott, again.
@dwdwone Says:
It's still early. And there's also Huffines to consider.
@USMC-Goforth Says:
I live in Houston Texas. I'm voting for Abbott.
@adeand4310 Says:
Betozero total iq of 5, thinks hes got the brains to lead, but cant even boil water
@beckyhibler5668 Says:
Well I don't know what good is the Democrats done so far not a damn thing the United States has been in nothing but chaos because of the Democrats the BLM Diante for all the b******* that goes right along with the Democrats and I'm talking about the politicians I'm sure their lives are really easy right now compared to as common people but you know what I say all I I ain't voting for another Democrat at all. Their devious look at Biden somebody's running that white house and it sure as hell is not him
@margaretfreeman1398 Says:
Thank goodness he will not be Texas governor, Go Abbot Go
@michaelselby6102 Says:
While the Democrats pretend to support minorities, they continue to nominate and elect rich white boys. The people of Texas should be insulted that a millionaire who went to Columbia (apparently Texas universities are not good enough for him) is posing as a Latino. Robert O'Rourke has never suffered and has led a privileged life.
@rhuntington3 Says:
Yeah, we don't want Beto here in Texas. We all wish he would just go away.
@pnoyxxxbandido Says:
Come on man.
@erikrudolph5769 Says:
If he loses he should ignore the results and pretend he won like trump did🤪♿
@spaceace1006 Says:
Christian (and Jewish) voters do not want a sick pervert to run Texas.
@themanthelegend7048 Says:
B3ta o d0rk needs to save some money and take a clue. If he wins thay truly means Texas has fallen.
@garlandgranger1900 Says:
Beto would be a horrible governor. He has no experience and is very childish.
@MariaLopez-rd9dz Says:
Abbot is a GREAT LEADER for TEXAS 👏👏🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏
@ericochoa4271 Says:
Beta O'dork does not belong in Texas. Evil leftist anti american ideology has no place there. Greetings from California stay strong my Texan friends
@AJHRepublicanoforSouthTexas Says:
We are sick of communsit bozo running for office We will mot tolorate Thei fake wanna be mexican To run for office in texas
@tylerkraft535 Says:
Ive been waiting for Mr beta, he said he was coming for me but i guess he got lost on the way.
@timsmola9945 Says:
Keep an eye on the count over night. We know what happened last election.
@marsincharge Says:
The Democrats should know they done goofed when they chose Biden to lead for president. Sure, y'all "won" but at what cost? We don't want anything to do with y'all ever again 🙄
@monte7387 Says:
It’s more than 15%. Stop falling for these narrative lie. Trying to convince us that his gun grabbing is what we want. Especially here in Texas. Stop being naive people.
@ellkir1521 Says:
How many people remember the 'Carter' era where you couldn't get a loan for less then 13% and wages were stagnated. No thanks to "You bet I'm coming for your guns" BEto.
@thomphoc1898 Says:
He is not really serious about running. He lets to keep all the campaign money raised. Its just a grift.
@manfredomd Says:
@brianmarshall636 Says:
God forbid if Beta O Dork becomes Governor of Texas.
@mackbolin3861 Says:
It doesn't matter what or how O Dorke tries to win it will never happen for the Dork because of his rhetoric on especially gun control and liberal ways! No! That dog don't hunt here in Texas! O Dork get out of Texas, we have enough Dorks from California here and don't need no more!
@DeadBoy665 Says:
No one wants the Beta male in any Government office.
@33fastcar Says:
"Beto Pendejo" is the decal I see the most in Texas right now. You NEVER tell a Texan "Hell yeah we are going to take YOUR guns"! FOCK YOU BETO PENDEJO! TEXANS HATE YOUR WORTHLESS EXISTENCE!
@jacksonreilly3441 Says:
This must be the reason they call him Bozo O'rourke!
@churchdc Says:
@marcdeckard7064 Says:
Beto is the most qualified because he looks like a young Kennedy, he speaks a little spanish and he can ride a skateboard. Democrats all agree.
@stevenboggess9805 Says:
Francis bento O'Rourke would be the worst governor for the State of Texas ever. He stands for absolutely nothing that the majority of Texans stand for
@germanium1872 Says:
This guy is a complete idiot. Let's get together in 2022 and kick this clown out of our state!
@billputnam5098 Says:
Was it Biden who told him, " After I destroy Uranus, there will only be 7 planets." ?
@txgambler777 Says:
Abbot took away our stimulis, and i do not like or trust beto
@donttreadonmekita9161 Says:
BETO, your not taking our 2A rights away, COME AND TAKE IT BETO DARE YA 😝🇺🇸
@benitomaldonado7080 Says:
Soros funding Beta for sure . He’ll lose …again . Spanish speaking panderer.
@kathyburress6591 Says:
Hope Texans thinks really hard before they let Democrats take over their state
@teeyanaramsey2576 Says:
Gregg Abbott 2022! #Keep Texas A Red State!
@fayemont3220 Says:
Poor Beto, he just keeps running and LOSING!! Someone tell him he needs to get a different career... why??? because he's an idiot!!!
@realpunksmurf Says:
Beto as Governor of Texas would be a disaster! It's an embarrassment he even considered important in Texas politics.
@JuckFoeBurden Says:
The sign of a real moron? A Beto yard sign!
@kathleendickerson9602 Says:
Get lost Beto you creep!

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